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Government Savings Bank Sustainability Framework (4 APPROACH)

The Government Savings Bank (GSB) establishes a sustainable framework by considering alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, which consists of 17 goals. We particularly focuses on two key goals, namely “Goal 1: No Poverty” and “Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities”. In addition, GSB adheres to the “Principles for Responsible Banking” of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. We also take into account the linkages to sustainable development strategies outlined in the 20-Year National Strategy, the National Economic and Social Development Plan No. 12, the Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) model, the State Enterprise strategy, and the sustainability approach of the Bank of Thailand.

GSB focuses on creating sustainability and taking care of stakeholders in a balanced manner under the concept of Triple Bottom Line to create a balance between the External Sustainability in strengthening the foundation economy, society and community and the Internal Sustainability in carrying out missions to create stability and strength corporate finance along with taking care of staffs and employees. The Social Mission Integration in all important processes can drive the organization toward sustainability under the framework of the GSB Sustainability Approach in 4 dimensions:

  1. Maximize Positive Impact
  2. Strengthening the Government’s Policy
  3. Resource Optimization
  4. Trust & Transparency

GSB integrates the GSB Sustainability Approach into the operational strategies to drive the organization towards internal and external sustainability. We strive for a balanced distribution of benefits and costs, enhance the capacity to provide financial services, and elevate organizational management to support social missions while nurturing the organization with profits.

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